In the passenger transportation sector, scorecards are used for calculating the invoice amount of your client and the progress payment amount that will be made to suppliers. It is the most important operational and accounting-related area for the balance of income and expenses of the shuttle company. Required to be made diligently every day, the scorecard calculations about high volume projects or projects in a shift can be made inaccurately due to the heavy workload, and busyness, of corporate employees. It is now possible to automate these calculations via vita Suite App.
You and others should not make payments for non-operating vehicles.
By scanning QR Codes or NFC Tags created for your shuttles via the vita ERP system before entering/exiting the vehicles, you can keep tally records. In this way, you can keep control of your scorecards.
After determining your checkpoint, you can keep records on tally if your drivers read their cards via card reader while entering-exiting the vehicle. In this way, the driver who does not arrive to the organization cannot receive a progress payment.
Your drivers can view work orders that sent to their phones daily via the vita Drive Job Tracking App that is uploaded on their cellphones. At the beginning of service, driver tracking is started following the initiation of the work order. During the trip, the driver is tracked via his/her cellphone. At the end of service, the driver can complete the trip if required actions are taken.
Depending on the task status, the driver who can do these checking, partly or completely, can also keep tally. In this way, the tally records on the shuttle are kept by the driver who completed his/her task.